LOCKDOWNS | Highlighting the Most Egregious "Do As I Say Not As I Do" COVID-19 Lockdown Pushing Politicians In America Including the Mayor of Denver, the Mayor of San Francisco, the Governor of California, etc.
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New World Order | "We Are On the Way to A New Order, So We Are Between Orders. What Are We Able to Keep from the Order to Bring Into a New World Order?" - Børge Brende & Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor (Jan. 16 2024)
World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Jane Goodall "If I Just Had This Magic Power, I Would Like to Without Causing Any Pain or Suffering Reduce the Number of People On the Planet." - Jane Goodall + Club of Rome 101
World Economic Forum | WEF 2024 Recap Including: "Brain State Reading", "We Owned the News," "Trump Came In & Took That All Away," Digital IDs, Disease X, New World Order, Ecocide, A.I., Argentina President, Kevin Roberts