Red Planet Mars (1952 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: Husband-and-wife scientists (Peter Graves, Andrea King) pick up a pie-in-the-sky TV message supposedly from Mars.
Why Earth is So Corrupt — RJ Spina | Frustrated Interviewer Says There Needs to Be an Intervention By Benevolent Beings, RJ Says NOT GONNA HAPPENNN... [WE in 5D: Let Me Add; So, Cut the Crap, You Are and Will Continue to Be Fully Responsible!]
The Car 1977 (Full Movie) | Horror/Action/Fantasy/Supernatural | James Brolin, Kathleen Lloyd, John Marley, Elizabeth Thompson, Ronny Cox. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
AMERICA: Enki's Plan for the Experiment of Sovereignty (If You Wake Up in Time to Own it), and Enlil's Takeover and His Reincarnation Trap! — Which Secret Society Owns America? | Matthew LaCroix for Billy Carson's 4bidden Knowledge TV
Gaslight (1944 Full Movie) | Thriller/Dark Drama | Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Angela Lansbury. | This 1944 American version has more backstory while the 1940 British version is closer to Patrick Hamilton's more suspenseful play.
The Last House on the Left (1972 Full Movie) | Horror/Indie Film | 🚨 WARNING: Unrated | Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham, David A. Hess, Fred Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, Marc Sheffler, Eleanor Shaw, Richard Towers. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
The NeverEnding Story (1984 Full Movie) [Original German Version/Longer Edit] | Fantasy/Adventure | A Metaphorical Depiction of YOU as God-Source Creating Everything Out of NOTHING—Because You Can! | Starring Noah Hathaway, Barret Oliver, Tami Stronach.