1 year agoSnake Hunter #comedian #standupcomedy #comedy #shorts #reels #snake #hunting #florida #funny #datingFunnyMine
1 year agoComedy Show is Derailed 100 times in 10 seconds 😂 😵💫 #standupcomedy #shortsItwasaBonneNuit
1 year agoMiddle School Kids Are Gross People #chedurena #standupcomedy #standupcomic #comedyChe Durena’s Stand Up Comedy
1 year agoBrave Man Tells His Secrets To His Friends #chedurena #standupcomedy #standupcomic #comedyChe Durena’s Stand Up Comedy
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1 year agoGirlfriend has the same name as Mother in-Law #shorts #standupcomedy #crowdwork #inlaw #motherinlawItwasaBonneNuit
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1 year agoCatholic Priest Drinks 🍷 at a Stand up Show. Priests get Drunk? #christian #standupcomedy #shortsItwasaBonneNuit
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