PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots Cast In Maricopa County & Election Needs To Be SET ASIDE / NULL & VOID. MOST candidates Illegitimately In Office Now! EVIDENCE = Official Canvass Report
Kim Clement | Kim Clement Prophecies + An Interview w/ Jane & Donné Clement Petruska | Trump Shall Become a Trumpet, I Will Put At Your Helm for Two Terms a President That Will Pray, A Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & Will America ReAwaken In Time?
The Great Reset Agenda Is Being Coordinated By ARIZONA'S Shadow Gov't Deep State Operative, ASU President & CIA In-Q-Tel Chair, MICHAEL CROW! The State Destroying America ALSO Has The ONLY Solution To TAKE HER BACK!