1. Pressure from ICU Drs for My Husband to Pass Away or Do a Tracheostomy After Only 7 Days in ICU!

    Pressure from ICU Drs for My Husband to Pass Away or Do a Tracheostomy After Only 7 Days in ICU!

  2. Intimidated Into the ICU Team Choosing to Take My Sister Off Life Support!

    Intimidated Into the ICU Team Choosing to Take My Sister Off Life Support!

  3. My Dad is Less Responsive in ICU. Is He Being Sedated By The Medication the ICU Team Is Giving Him?

    My Dad is Less Responsive in ICU. Is He Being Sedated By The Medication the ICU Team Is Giving Him?

  4. My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

    My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

  5. Intensivecarehotline.com Saved Another Life with our Consulting and Advocacy for Families In ICU!

    Intensivecarehotline.com Saved Another Life with our Consulting and Advocacy for Families In ICU!

  6. Questions answered live for families in intensive care(Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com)

    Questions answered live for families in intensive care(Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com)

  7. Another Testimonial from a Very Satisfied intensivecarehotline.com Client and Member!

    Another Testimonial from a Very Satisfied intensivecarehotline.com Client and Member!

  8. Why You Need an Independent Expert and Second Opinion When It Comes To Brain Death Testing In ICU?

    Why You Need an Independent Expert and Second Opinion When It Comes To Brain Death Testing In ICU?

  9. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband Is Confused&Agitated After the Induced Coma, Is It Normal?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband Is Confused&Agitated After the Induced Coma, Is It Normal?

  10. My Dad in ICU has a Fighting Chance to Survive but the ICU Team Thinks Otherwise. Help!

    My Dad in ICU has a Fighting Chance to Survive but the ICU Team Thinks Otherwise. Help!

  11. 2nd Discharge to LTAC from ICU, The Mad Continues! Quickness tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    2nd Discharge to LTAC from ICU, The Mad Continues! Quickness tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  12. Is Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation an Alternative to Avoid a Tracheostomy on a Breathing Tube?

    Is Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation an Alternative to Avoid a Tracheostomy on a Breathing Tube?

  13. Mom Has Gone Back to ICU From LTAC for Low Haemoglobin&Blood Transfusion, How Can I Keep Her in ICU?

    Mom Has Gone Back to ICU From LTAC for Low Haemoglobin&Blood Transfusion, How Can I Keep Her in ICU?

  14. Being Told to Disconnect Life Support for My Dad Without My Consent! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    Being Told to Disconnect Life Support for My Dad Without My Consent! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  15. Why is an Induced Coma Necessary for Sepsis or Septic Shock in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    Why is an Induced Coma Necessary for Sepsis or Septic Shock in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  16. My Dad’s Prognosis Is Poor According To The Doctor But Who Is Really Directing His Care? Help!

    My Dad’s Prognosis Is Poor According To The Doctor But Who Is Really Directing His Care? Help!

  17. Can ICU Force Me to Take My Mom Off Life Support and Place Her on the DNR List Without My Consent?

    Can ICU Force Me to Take My Mom Off Life Support and Place Her on the DNR List Without My Consent?

  18. Angela Survived ICU After a 13 Day Induced Coma! The ICU Team Told Her Family She Wouldn't Survive!

    Angela Survived ICU After a 13 Day Induced Coma! The ICU Team Told Her Family She Wouldn't Survive!

  19. Quick tip for families in ICU: My sibling's in ICU with liver failure&he's deteriorating fast! Help!

    Quick tip for families in ICU: My sibling's in ICU with liver failure&he's deteriorating fast! Help!
