Doctor | What’s In the COVID-19 Shots? What to Do If You’ve Already Taken the COVID-19 Shots? How to Find a Doctor IN ALL 50 STATES That Will Not Push The Big Pharma Great Reset Agenda | Does the COVID-19 Shot Cause VAIDS?
Robin Bullock | The Connection Between The Great Reset, the 7 Seals Found In Revelation, Daniel 7:25, the Coronavirus, mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology Shots, the Green New Deal, Inflation, & Why Yuval Seeks to Change the Times & the Laws
COVID Shots | "One of the Things That I'm Sad About, But It Was Also Kind of Hilarious Is How Many People Were Promoters of the Vaccine, Then Died Suddenly...You're Modifying Your Genes You F$%king Idiot." - Joe Rogan W/ Dr. Debra Soh