Assange Faces Life-Or-Death Extradition Appeal as Rothschild-Owned Media Promotes Apathy to it's By-Default Minion/Flunky Lib Army, AKA #BackfillPeople! + The Honest Screw-Ups of President Trump with His Last Administration!!—Gotta Keep it REAL.
Because WW2 Was Never Fully Integrated Humanity May be on a WW3 Timeline. Matías De Stefano KEEPS IT REAL with You! A WW3 Doesn’t Mean [You] Don’t Have Divine Protection. | Know Thyself Podcast (Full Interview Linked in the Description ⇩)
4 Real and RECORDED Instances of Time Travel [and ET’s—or Future Humans]. | WE in 5D: Remember, This Does Not Mean Your Future is Fixed; it Just Means [That Particular Timeline with its Future] Exists.
Gen Z: ‘Trump! He Just a Real N✰gga!’ | The Awake Portion of This Gen is the Best Example of the First Wave of 5D’ers—Kind, Non-Threatening, BUT REAL and Will Cut You with Words if Need be.. Helpful within Reason, Not Enablers, Minds Their Biz!