WATCH 24x7! Dec.8,'24: PART TWO The Left Wants us to Eat Bugs. And synthetic proteins, and fake, manufactured foods made by toxic junk food chemistry and about every idea for a toxic, non organic food source designed to fail
Elijah Streams | Are We Going to Witness The Great ReAwakening Or Klaus Schwab's Great Reset?!!! + PRIME TIME 99 Alex Stein Joins the ReAwaken America Tour!!! I Just Wanted to Say How Much Appreciate Clay. Our Internet Leads Are Up. Everything Is Ham
Silicon Valley Bank | "It's Important That People Understand They Can Be Bailed In, But You Don't Want a HUGE Run On the Institution, But, There Are Going to Be." - FDIC (11/22) Fact: FDIC Insures $9 Trillion of Bank Deposits w/ $125 B
Beast System | "A Total System of Control. To Be Able to Do It, They Need to Have Artificial Intelligence." - Pastor Steve Cioccolanti + "Covid Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + The A.I. Agenda Explained
Free Will | "It Was Never True That Humans Had Free Will. Even the People Who Control the System, Like the Bankers, Don't Understand. They Just Trust the Algorithms." - Yuval Noah Harari