TPM's editor-at-large Andy Ngo tells Tucker Carlson that the burning down of a historic church "is really just one small part of the day-to-day human misery that is playing out on the streets of Portland."
Day 6 Sukkot: Glimpses of Joy and Sunrises, Amish 4 Horses, Landis Family Farm: A Revelation of The Philadelphian Church Age, Interior of Daniel Theater, Walk-Thru Of Clock Museum, Reflections on the Trump Snare, Time Is Running Out, Judgment Is Coming
Cleveland State: Rebuking Jehovah's Witnesses For Their Hellish Religion, Contending w/ an Arrogant Muslim & His Girlfriend, I Sing Out Songs, Preach Jesus, Crowd Descends Into Blasphemy, "Christians" Love Their Sin, I Wipe The Dust Off