The Unique Life of David Adair (4-Part Interview): From Child Prodigy to Area 51 Visitor to Forced Recruitment into the U.S. Navy to the Revelations of Moon Secrets and Suppressed Space Technologies! | Michael Salla, “Exopolitcs Today.
MOST IMPORTANT Video You'll See the Rest of 2023(?) — WHAT Are You REALLY Doing Here in 3D? And the "Fallen Angels", What is Their Role? YOU ARE HERE COLLECTING DATA. Enough Data Collected = Taking "Life" WAAAY Less Serious.
Like a Twin Flame Obsession. Even the Most Powerful Vixen Was a Chaser Struggling to Move on ..and Sometimes so is the Runner! She Believes She Was Spanish in Another Life, Explaining These Ongoing Bullfighting Themes. “You’ll See” by Madonna.
The Law of One Tarot (Archetypes): Space/Time Vs. Time/Space, Past Life Trauma and Passed-Down DNA (Sometimes Passed-Down Disease), Cause & Effect, and More!