1. ​What’s inside your holiday planning list? Please share your ideas, I’d love to hear...

    ​What’s inside your holiday planning list? Please share your ideas, I’d love to hear...

  2. 2 St. Pete events drive shoppers to choose local this holiday season

    2 St. Pete events drive shoppers to choose local this holiday season

  3. New payment options help ease the budget burden during the holiday season

    New payment options help ease the budget burden during the holiday season

  4. Shoppers may be battling software bots for new video game consoles

    Shoppers may be battling software bots for new video game consoles

  5. Shipping tips as holiday deadlines near

    Shipping tips as holiday deadlines near

  6. The impact of the pandemic on shopping trends

    The impact of the pandemic on shopping trends

  7. Shoppers squeeze in last minute holiday errands before winter storm

    Shoppers squeeze in last minute holiday errands before winter storm

  8. Last-minute holiday shoppers scramble before Christmas and this week's blizzard

    Last-minute holiday shoppers scramble before Christmas and this week's blizzard

  9. Phishing scams on the rise during holiday shopping season

    Phishing scams on the rise during holiday shopping season

  10. Local business fulfilling international orders for holiday shoppers

    Local business fulfilling international orders for holiday shoppers

  11. Black Friday deals can extend into holiday season

    Black Friday deals can extend into holiday season

  12. Baltimore County offering free parking to holiday shoppers

    Baltimore County offering free parking to holiday shoppers

  13. Way Back Wednesday: Holiday Chia Pet Shopping

    Way Back Wednesday: Holiday Chia Pet Shopping

  14. It's Black Friday, and shoppers are hitting the road

    It's Black Friday, and shoppers are hitting the road

  15. Unofficial start to the holiday shopping season

    Unofficial start to the holiday shopping season

  16. Easy Steps Small Retailers Can Attract Holiday Shoppers

    Easy Steps Small Retailers Can Attract Holiday Shoppers

  17. Black Friday shoppers at outlet mall

    Black Friday shoppers at outlet mall

  18. Shoppers ready for Black Friday deals

    Shoppers ready for Black Friday deals