Tim Redmond | “I would have anywhere from 5 clients to 20 clients with networking, but it would go up and down. Clay, that’s why I came to you. I’ve doubled every year since working with you. That’s 100% growth every year. I’ve doubled 5 times.
Business Podcasts | The Three Realistic & Legal Ways to Get Rich In a Capitalistic System | How to Create a Turn-Key System to Scale Your Business Today With the Founder of SnapFitness, 9Round, Fitness On Demand & Nautical Bowls
Business | Why Consistency & Daily Diligence Is Key to Building SUPER SUCCESS + How to Create Duplicable Business Model Based Upon the Foundations of a Duplicable Process, a Winning Team & Well-Defined Guardrails
Terrorists are Pouring Through Our Border and Embedding Themselves in Your Cities | Child Injuries from Covid-19 Vaccines are Highly Underreported in VAERS | Does the Hunter Verdicts Show Fair Court Systems | Twila Brase, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Charles Marino
Business Podcasts | The Brian Wiggs Success Story | The Power of Implementing Turn-Key Hiring & Marketing Systems | "Google Reviews & Video Reviews Are Invaluable. Now When Potential Customers Come In, They Are Already Believing In us."
Business Podcasts | Myron Kirkpatrick | Myron Kirkpatrick Shares How Implementing Clay Clark’s Proven Checklists, Profitability Coaching & Best-Practice Processes Has Led to the 20X Growth of White Glove Auto Over the Past 6.5 Years
Business | Learn How Clay Clark Helped Shawn Klahr to Grow DRAMATICALLY. "The Systems & Processes That Clay Has In Place Has Been Real Instrumental In Growing Our Business. The WEEKLY Meeting Helps You Stay On Track." - Shawn Klahr