Chief Corn Planter in the 1800s Worked with the Iroquois to Give Land to the Government, Why Did Robert H. Treman Buy it Only to Give it Back? Why Did it Need to Change Hands?
Trump is Actively Fighting Child-Trafficking, Anti-Trafficking Summit, Ivanka Trump, Survivors, Bella Hounakey, People with Information Can Report to Them
Adrenochrome Withdrawal and the Effects of Adrenochrome Use, Feeling as Powerful as God, Like Nothing Can Stop Them + Loss of Control, Body Jerks, Demons Take Over, Hillary Clinton + Music Video for 'Oh Lord' by In This Moment
Jessie is Constantly in Danger + God Protects Jessie but He Made No Promise to Keep Everyone Safe + Encouraging Others with Knowledge to Speak Out, That's the Only Way it's Ever Going to Stop
Journalist Liz Crokin, Pizzagate + Heartbreaking to Hear Naysayers Saying it's Just a Few Bad Apples or Satanic Panic + In Reality Pizzagate is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, There is So Much More to Uncover, Breeder Programs etc.