2 years ago1154 The Similarities Between China and Canada are Scary and UncomfortableCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago494 - Not Following Access Plans, Vaccine AE’s, Brazilian Variant? Lockdowns Continue and Much More!CanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago1084 Queen Tribute Falls Flat, Dental and Rate Hikes for the Fall & ArriveCan & Western UpdateCanadaPoliVerified
1 year ago1185 WrongThink, Weak Men, Broken Justice System, Broken Healthcare. Canada 2022CanadaPoliVerified
1 year ago1197 The Point is to Achieve Your Communication Objectives, Not Inform the PublicCanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago885 Ukraine and Monetary Punishment, F Trudeau Flags Banned, WEF Runs Canada and MoreCanadaPoliVerified
1 year ago1204 Canada has a journalist running the finances of a G7 country who sits on the Board of the WEFCanadaPoliVerified
1 year ago1191 Free Speech Is Not A Problem, The Problem Is People Who Try To Take That AwayCanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago1174 Canadians Have Had Their Compassion Hijacked And Turned Against ThemCanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago952 Ideological Motivated Violent Extremism is Being Used To Create False Stories of TerrorCanadaPoliVerified
1 year ago1199 They Can’t Defend Their Ideas, All They Can Do Is Silence and Censor the OppositionCanadaPoliVerified
1 year ago1193 We Reject This Woke Ideology. We Seek Normalcy NOT Philosophical LunacyCanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago848 - Truckers to Government ‘Please Restore Our Freedoms If You Don't Mind, Eh’CanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago993 Absolutely NEVER Let A Crisis (like shooting or pandemic) Go To Waste Says TrudeauCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago489 - Strict Measures for Alberta, Covid Detention Centres, Vaccine and Civil Disobedience and MoreCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago506 - The Variants Are Coming! The Variants Are Coming! Further Lockdowns, Less Freedom & More!CanadaPoliVerified