1. DIAMONDS & RARES Montage #36 - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    DIAMONDS & RARES Montage #36 - Console - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  2. 💎 BOVINE 🐂 Tests My BOW! - Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    💎 BOVINE 🐂 Tests My BOW! - Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  3. Our Biggest Piebald Moose Had Me Thinking Super Rare - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    Our Biggest Piebald Moose Had Me Thinking Super Rare - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  4. Lion LEG Day 💎🦁, Call of the Wild #shorts

    Lion LEG Day 💎🦁, Call of the Wild #shorts

  5. My Dog 🐶 DISSING My Hunt Skills 🎯🤣 - Call of the Wild #shorts

    My Dog 🐶 DISSING My Hunt Skills 🎯🤣 - Call of the Wild #shorts

  6. BIG DIAMOND Bison 💎🦬 Heart Shot 💔🎯 - Call of the Wild #shorts

    BIG DIAMOND Bison 💎🦬 Heart Shot 💔🎯 - Call of the Wild #shorts

  7. ALBINO Rocky Mountain Elk 🟡 Gold - Call of the Wild #shorts

    ALBINO Rocky Mountain Elk 🟡 Gold - Call of the Wild #shorts

  8. Elusive Diamond RED FOX 💎🦊 Heart Shot 💔🎯 - Call of the Wild #shorts

    Elusive Diamond RED FOX 💎🦊 Heart Shot 💔🎯 - Call of the Wild #shorts

  9. Beginner DIAMOND & RARE Hunting Ep 36 - Call of the Wild

    Beginner DIAMOND & RARE Hunting Ep 36 - Call of the Wild

  10. 💎 Rocky Mountain Elk Diamond - theHunter Call of the Wild #shorts

    💎 Rocky Mountain Elk Diamond - theHunter Call of the Wild #shorts

  11. Beginner DIAMOND & RARE Hunting Ep 35 Call of the Wild

    Beginner DIAMOND & RARE Hunting Ep 35 Call of the Wild

  12. WOW! Cape Quad - Beginner DIAMOND & RARE Hunting Ep 37 - theHunter Call of the Wild

    WOW! Cape Quad - Beginner DIAMOND & RARE Hunting Ep 37 - theHunter Call of the Wild

  13. Brown Bear 🐻 ROLLS Over For Belly Scratches - Way of the Hunter Animal Reactions #shorts

    Brown Bear 🐻 ROLLS Over For Belly Scratches - Way of the Hunter Animal Reactions #shorts

  14. Diamond Red Deer 🎯 LONG BOW 62 Yards Head On - theHunter Call of the Wild #shorts

    Diamond Red Deer 🎯 LONG BOW 62 Yards Head On - theHunter Call of the Wild #shorts

  15. CHARGING 💎🐃 Cape Bull vs Bow 🏹 , Call of the Wild #shorts

    CHARGING 💎🐃 Cape Bull vs Bow 🏹 , Call of the Wild #shorts

  16. Cuomo 243 on 443 yard 🎯 walking bobcat - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    Cuomo 243 on 443 yard 🎯 walking bobcat - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  17. LONGBOW vs 💎🦬 Bison Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    LONGBOW vs 💎🦬 Bison Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  18. NEW .45 Revolver 💎 Whitetail Stalk - Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    NEW .45 Revolver 💎 Whitetail Stalk - Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  19. BOW Hunting A New England Whitetail Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild

    BOW Hunting A New England Whitetail Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild

  20. 🤯 273 Whitetail - FIRST New England 💎 Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    🤯 273 Whitetail - FIRST New England 💎 Diamond - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  21. Whitetail 💎 HAT TRICK - New England Diamonds - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    Whitetail 💎 HAT TRICK - New England Diamonds - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  22. Gold 🟡 PIEBALD Swamp 🦌 Whitetail! - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    Gold 🟡 PIEBALD Swamp 🦌 Whitetail! - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  23. BUSHWHACKED 🏹 Traditional 🦁 Lion Attack Perfect Shot & Still ☠ - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    BUSHWHACKED 🏹 Traditional 🦁 Lion Attack Perfect Shot & Still ☠ - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  24. MELTING A 💎 Diamond In It's Feed Zone - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    MELTING A 💎 Diamond In It's Feed Zone - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

  25. Double Rare In The Same Spot 🦊 🐷 - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts

    Double Rare In The Same Spot 🦊 🐷 - theHunter: Call of the Wild #shorts
