4 months agoPotential silver squeeze could send prices soaring! #SilverSqueeze #PreciousMetals #SilverPricesLearCapital
4 months agoWhy Russia's gold-buying spree could spike global prices #russia #gold #goldprices #centralbanksLearCapital
7 months agoInflation, Taxation, Then Deflation Will Destroy Prosperity. Guaranteed.Peak ProsperityVerified
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8 months agoU.S. economy and stock markets are a facade, money manager says #useconomy #gold #investingLearCapital
7 months agoThree major asset bubbles are setting records. What happens when they crash? #gold #physicalgold #adLearCapital
6 months agoGold & silver prices positively impacted by central bank buying spree, analyst says #gold #silverLearCapital
6 months agoWhy is Saudi Arabia loading up on gold? #preciousmetals #gold #goldprice #silver #silverpriceLearCapital
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5 months agoTrump vs. Harris: Who’s Better for Your Wallet? #TrumpVsHarris #economy #GoldInvesting #GoldLearCapital
10 months ago"I purchased gold a year ago, and it's increased 23%," Judge Napolitano says #gold @judgingfreedomLearCapital
5 months agoRate cuts and stimulus could be great for gold and silver, analyst says #recession #gold #silverLearCapital
9 months agoSilver arbitrage is here and could lead to higher prices #silver #silverprices #preciousmetalsLearCapital