7 years agoNASA Blasting Skies w/ Toxic Chemicals Tonight - Kolbrin Bible - Nemesis ProphecyLeak ProjectVerified
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7 years agoAncient, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Could be Older than Sumerian Tablets, Spells 1-13, ThothLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoVatican Forbidden, Ancient Sumerian Text - Verified Enlil, Multiple Wives,Space Travel,Sex MagickLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoAncient Sumerian Text, Translated by Oxford Scholars, Prove Anunnaki & Mass GenocideLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoIts Hot - 2282% Increase in Earthquakes Around Yellowstone Past 2 Weeks - June 2017Leak ProjectVerified
7 years agoMarshall Masters, The Kolbrin Bible, Egyptian Copper Plates, September 23, Nemesis ConnectionsLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoPossible Doomsday Asteroid Flys Past Earth Today & Orbits Even Closer Next Year, NASA/JPL Raw DataLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoYou might be Code inside a Computer Program Right Now - Multiple Scholars Agree - EvidenceLeak ProjectVerified
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7 years agoAnother Planet X Discovered, Dragging Massive Comets Behind it - Latest 2017Leak ProjectVerified
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7 years agoPlanet X Disovered, Latest, 2017, Even the Main Stream Media Covers It, University of ArizonaLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoTouring Badlands SD, Two Different Colored Sunsets & Dual Rainbows at Same Time, May 2017Leak ProjectVerified
7 years agoMeet the Man Who Turned Down a Deal w/ the Devil for Jesus - Singer & Songwriter Rick NorrisLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoMet someone Related to General Jack Kulpa,Catch a Falling Star, Satellite Program, Getting InterviewLeak ProjectVerified
7 years agoEmergency Broadcast Issues Nuclear Warning in NJ, During Prime Time & Explosions in WVLeak ProjectVerified