SkyNet | Why Did China Actually Called It's Near Omnipresent Surveillance System SkyNet? How Does the Chinese Social Credit Score System Work? Is the Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency System Headed to America?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "We Know That We Can Construct a CBDC System Which Is a Mapping of An Individual to an Account. That Is Essential. We Cannot Exist Without That." - Agustín Guillermo Carstens (GM of BIS) - March 1st 2023
Elon Musk & Rishi Sunak | Why Is Elon Musk Advocating for Carbon Taxes, Universal Basic Income, mRNA Shots, Transhumanism & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Who Is Elon Musk? “There Will Come a Time When No Job Is Needed.” - Elon Musk
CBDC | "The New Digital Prison System Being Developed By Big Tech Known By Many As THE MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM" + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Project mBridge | Understanding Project mBridge | Multi-CBDC Platform for Cross-Border Payments" | Understanding the Mechanics of Central Bank Digital Currencies, BRICS Lead Dedollarization, U.N. Sustainable Development Goals #16, Digital IDs
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Is Tokenization Beginning? "Tokenization Is the Process of Representing Claims Digitally On a Programmable Platform...The Next Logical Step In the Long Evolutionary Arc of Recordkeeping & Asset Transfer." -
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The Potential Impact On Human Kind from a CBDC Would Be Worse Than the Cumulative Impact of CANCER on Human Kind." - Rick Rule (7/19/2023) | Updates On FedNow, CBDCs & The New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency