1. CBDCs | Australian Senator Alex Antic | "Australian Cities Are Becoming Digital Surveillance Precincts w/ So Called Smart Cities Being Rolled with Invasive Technology Such As Facial Recognition Cameras, SMART Lights, SMART Poles, SMART Cars, SMART..

    CBDCs | Australian Senator Alex Antic | "Australian Cities Are Becoming Digital Surveillance Precincts w/ So Called Smart Cities Being Rolled with Invasive Technology Such As Facial Recognition Cameras, SMART Lights, SMART Poles, SMART Cars, SMART..

  2. CBDCs | "Cash Is to Be Abolished and Replaced By a Digital Currency. This Will Be Allocated to Or Taken Away from Every Person In the World Who Can Then Be Found Anywhere At Anytime Via Various Tracking Systems." - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

    CBDCs | "Cash Is to Be Abolished and Replaced By a Digital Currency. This Will Be Allocated to Or Taken Away from Every Person In the World Who Can Then Be Found Anywhere At Anytime Via Various Tracking Systems." - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

  3. CBDCs | “So Now You’ve Got This CBDC That Requires ID. So What’s Wrong With That? Think About It. Every Single Transaction In Your Life That You Will EVER Do Will Be Registered On An Open Ledger.” - Maajid Nawaz (Investigative Journalist)

    CBDCs | “So Now You’ve Got This CBDC That Requires ID. So What’s Wrong With That? Think About It. Every Single Transaction In Your Life That You Will EVER Do Will Be Registered On An Open Ledger.” - Maajid Nawaz (Investigative Journalist)
