2 years ago#88: Queen Elizabeth’s death, Zuckerberg’s donations, Covid clots, Infiltration of Chinese SpiesBlueCollarBlackListedPodcast
1 year agoTHE SUNRISE TRAIL (1931) Bob Steele, Blanche Mehaffey & Jack Rube Clifford | Western | B&WLost n Found Films
1 year agoTHE SUNRISE TRAIL (1931) Bob Steele, Blanche Mehaffey & Jack Rube Clifford | Western | B&WLost n Found Westerns
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2 years agoAfter Roe v. Wade ruling, MSNBC host rages at Dem voters: ‘We tried to tell you’Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
2 years agoMSNBC's finest believe that God loves abortion and companies should too - 7/4/22TheDaleJackson
2 years agoThese poor millennials just can't catch a break because Biden is too nice - 7/10/22TheDaleJackson
2 years agoIn 2022, MSNBC asks, “will American democracy survive?” and they don't think so – 7/17/22TheDaleJackson
2 years agoAnother MSNBC panel full of people believing we are one step from the end of democracy - 8/6/22TheDaleJackson
2 years agoMore Democrats are admitting they think Joe Biden needs to be a more divisive figure - 9/4/22TheDaleJackson