5 months agoRevelation 20 White Throne judgement, Book of Life, Jesus, 1000 Year Reign, salvationBible discussions
1 year agoDoes the Oregon Bubonic Plague and the San Diego Earthquake Fulfill Bible Prophecy? #apocalypse #nowDontTrustThisGuy
2 years agoBible prophecy: the wicked shall be destroyed & the world shall be desolateFollowerofChrist7777777
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1 year agoPALM-PAYMENT COMING TO ALL U.S WHOLE FOODS, RFID CHIP SET TO REPLACE THE U.S DOLLAR. GET READY FOR THE FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BEAST SYSTEM🕎Revelation 13;15-18 “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark”RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
1 year ago"Pray that the Seventh Seal not be opened"Listen to spiritual messengers of God, Aka, speak