7 months agoDownload the Core Evidential Videos on Local Sun, Plasma Moon & Flat Earth for Safekeeping & SharingLiberty TV
10 months agoEarth's Selfie on the Unlandable Plasma Moon Is Changing, Showing Us More Land | Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
6 months agoThe World Is a ROMAN Circus to Keep You Preoccupied and Distracted from the NWO Cabal & True CosmosLiberty TV
1 year agoTHE PLASMA SUN IS CLOSE / LOCAL: Crepuscular Sun Rays Prove Flat Earth Perspective | P-BraneLiberty TV
10 months agoAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez ! Expose the MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES ! Get Rid of the Ruling NWO Cabal !Liberty TV
10 months agoHow the NWO Cabal Is Trying to Enslave the World through Digital ID & Central Bank Digital CurrencyLiberty TV
10 months agoTHE GREAT ONE CIRCLE - Vital Information That the Satanic NWO Cabal Doesn't Want the World to KnowLiberty TV
10 months agoDIRE WARNING: The Satanic NWO Cabal Aims to Take Over All Countries Politically and Religiously !!!Liberty TV
10 months agoRED ALERT ! The Secret Agents of the Satanic NWO Cabal Have Infiltrated All or Most Countries !Liberty TV
10 months agoThe Oscillations of the Center of the Known World Map on the Non-Solid Plasma Moon | Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
10 months agoDifferent Full Moons Show Larger and Stationary Flat Earth with Hidden Continents | Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
10 months agoCAUTION: "Blue Dot" Rebels (Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers/WHO/UN, etc.) Might Be Taken to FEMA CampsLiberty TV
10 months agoFULL SHOW Iran president dodgy air crash; ICC Netanyahu arrest warrant; Suicide Sunak panic electionTonyGosling
9 months agoGet the Lawmakers in Your Country to Zoom in on the Local, Plasma Moon with a Nikon P900 or Better !Liberty TV
9 months agoShow Day & Night Footage of Plasma Moon = Easiest Way to Disprove Moon Landings & Create PM Rebels !Liberty TV
9 months agoPhotoshop Debunks the "Shadow" on the "Solid, Round" Moon! Reform Governments! Reclaim Plasma Moon!Liberty TV
9 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
9 months agoSatanic NWO Cabal & NASA Are Having Panic Attacks Due to Nikon P1000 ! Get Yours While Stock Lasts !Liberty TV
9 months agoWARNING! Whoever Wants to Free Their Country from the Satanic NWO Cabal Had Better Do This ASAPLiberty TV
8 months agoRoseanne Barr Asks David Weiss Whether Man Has Been to the Moon - Can She Handle the Truth?Liberty TV
8 months agoSpherical and Toroidal Plasmoids in Xenon Plasma Bottle | Zerg Labs and Sifun R & DLiberty TV
8 months agoThe Origins of the Knights of Malta and Templar, Jesuit Order, Freemasons, Khazars and NWO/OWG CabalLiberty TV
8 months agoFilmmaker Janet Ossebaard (R.I.P.) Risked Her Life to Inform the Whole World about This Satanic PlanLiberty TV