Baltimore Bridge Collapse | Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse (Author of Star-Spangled Banner) | Singaporean Ship Dali Changed Course 2-Minutes Prior to Hitting Bridge & Was Dealing With Temporary Loss of Power (Film Breakdown)
#165 You Can Have Voting Machines Or A Country . . . You CAN'T Have Both! It's Time We The People Take Back Our Unconstitutional, Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections! | GUNNY CORWELL & MICHELE SWINICK
R&B Monthly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #29 -- Monday, January 20th, 2025). ChairMAN: MR. Lowell Joseph Gallin (Jerusalem, ERETZ YISRAEL). Topic: "Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, The Vilna Gaon (1720-1797)"