POWERFUL—Roseanne BACK AGAIN on Alex Jones (3/14/23) | Topics Include: The Annunaki/ET’s and a Fake Alien Invasion, Her Suggestion for Manifesting New Earth, Her Message to the Khazarian NWO Perverting Her Jewish Heritage, and More!
Fake Science | "The Report That Said There Would 500K Deaths In the U.K. & 2.2 Million Deaths In the U.S., They've Adjusted That Number In the U.K. to 20K. So Half a Million to 20K" + "I Knew These Vaccines Were Not Going to Protec
Fake Science | Leonard Nimoy "The Threat of An Ice Age Is Not As Remote As They Once Thought. During the Lifetime of Our Grandchildren, Arctic Cold And Perpetual Snow Could Turn Most of the Inhabitable Portions of Our Planet Into a Polar Desert."