Israel’s dirty trade in Africa: Diamonds, weapons and settlements/BBC Hired Convicted Pedophiles To Chauffeur Children and Elite VIPs/Breaking: Judge Rules Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend WAS RESPONSIBLE For Her Death – NOT a ‘Bad Warrant’; Drops Fed
CBDCs and the Collapse of the Dollar | Could There Be a Connection Between Those Two? What Happens to the Petrodollar If Saudi Arabia Joins BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)? Is BRICS Developing a New Gold-Backed Currency?
BRICS | Are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa & The BRICS Block Preparing to Introduce a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency? "People Cannot Get Out of the Way of Things That They Cannot See Coming Towards Them." - Robert Kiyosaki
The Black Eye Club, Comes From a Particular Ritual, It's a Warning to Brotherhood Members: Break the Secrets and Lose Your Eye + Adrenochrome Can Also Be Involved in Causing Black Eyes + Sodomy and Panda Eyes