The Taco Bell Logo, Eye of the Dragon, The Book of Shadows + General Electric Logo, 666 + Disney Logo, 666, Michael Aquino's Book Mind Wars Thanks Walt Disney (and Oliver Stone, among others) + New Model of Mind Constructs e.g. Covid Masks
Brother & Street Preacher Gabriel Asked About Romans 14, Colossians 2, Book of Galatians Regarding Keeping Shabbat, Rebuking Elijah, Matthew & Kerrigan Skelly A Second Time, Exalting Jesus! A Bible Study on Rom 14, Col 2, Galatians
Trump Proudly Declares He Supports Trans Surgery On Children W/ Parental Consent, My First Victory In Court, Amos 6 Warning to America, My New Books Have Negative Reviews From Wicked Student Trolls, Happy Sukkot Eve!
Remnant Church | Remnant Church Weekly Updates + Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Want to Re-Write the Bible Using A.I.? (Revelation 16:12-13) | "Just Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book (Bible) Was Written By An A.I.?" - Yuval Noah Harari