1 year agoEX-JW TURNS TO SPRITUALITY Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoTHE BIG SPLIT! WHEN? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoCREATING OUR DESTINATION Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoARE WE IN THE LAST DAYS? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoGIVING MICRO-DOSING A GO Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionPeacefulRebellion
8 months agoCan you Sell Your Soul to the DEVIL? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5dPeacefulRebellion
1 year agoARE WE STUCK IN A LOOP? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionPeacefulRebellion
11 months agoIT'S GETTING CRAZY IN THE ROYAL FAMILY Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channelingPeacefulRebellion
1 year agoIs FEAR real? Jesus Energy Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoSO WHAT'S NEXT? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoLEFT, RIGHT, LEFT RIGHT Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoIT'S ALL PLANNED! Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
4 years agoCivilization 5 Brave New World: William - Dutch Empire - 1440p No CommentaryPrincepsComitatus
1 year agoWRONG AGAIN? WHY? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoTHE UPS and DOWNS of MICRO-DOSING Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5dPeacefulRebellion
1 year agoTHEY ARE TRYING TO PIGEON HOLE US AGAIN! Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channelingPeacefulRebellion
3 months agoThe Matrix Unveiled: Aleister Crowley, the O.T.O., and the Dark Side of Fame: Part 8PositiveVortex
1 year agoGORDON'S IN TEARS AGAIN! Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionAwake and Aware!
1 year agoSOUL GROUPS-DID YOU KNOW THIS? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #ascensionAwake and Aware!