1 year agoDon't be tempted by this demon - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Tenacity2 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoThose aren't ears on that demon. They're horns - Epic Seven GuildWar Tenacity2 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoSmall towers are the real Gacha, Surprise XD - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary 랭커 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoBrief chat on buffs and stuff - Epic Seven top 100 GuildWar Commentary Gods Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoDoris is, has, and will always be Bae - Epic Seven GuildWar ORION Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoNo fun allowed, you get what you deserve - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Reigan Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoOh my is it time for fun? - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary NeoNoir Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoStress Test Fail & Patch Notes Shenanigans - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Prerigo Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoGot that Vegas Sickness - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary LoliQueens Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoServes me right for trying to have fun - Epic Seven GuildWar Reigan Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoThis absolute demon... - Epic Seven top 100 GuildWar commentary 인싸흑우 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoBruh I wanna play Sonic Frontiers - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Grandad Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoMaybe focus better next time? - Epic Seven Top 100 GuildWar Talosheim Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoYou let me die... - Epic Seven Top 100 GuildWar Commentary Talosheim Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoThoughts on the ship Waifu and stuff - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary HeavenlyLA Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoI don't like Fighting Rimuru... - Epic Seven top 100 GuildWar 인싸흑우 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
2 years agoCharlotte's got Drip for every occasion - Epic Seven GuildWar Winchester Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoYeah that's fine just keep dodging... - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Alphogeo Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure