Q & A: Was the Jab a Precursor to the Mark of the Beast? + Will One Third of the Population Be Gone Before the Anti-Christ Comes? + Baptism and the Holy Spirit
Séance Communication with Spirits + The Dangers of Doing Séances, Pray Beforehand and also Afterwards, Never Do a Séance At Home + This is Level 1, It Goes Much Higher + The Significance of Bloodlines, Ancestry
Occultists in Different Areas of Society, Well Known People + Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Similar to the Underground Railroad When Slaves Were Given Signs with Meaning about a Place i.e. What Help is Available There
Eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and You Will Die + The Narcissistic Society, Sacrifice, Convenience vs Moral Character + The True Power of God, A Miraculous Healing
The Lord was Training Jessie When the Enemy Thought he was Training her + Obedience, Healing, Threats, The Death of Jessie's Son, Retaliation for Speaking Out + Jessie's Websites, Donations
Forgiveness of Sins and the Changes People Can Make, Taking Responsibility, Family Member's Abuse + Jesus, Ultimate Role Model + Elizabeth Elliot story + Sunshine, The Name Given to Jessie
The Breeding Program, Babies are Cared for in a Hospital-like Setting, Children are Supplied for Sacrifice or for Sadistic Sexual Abuse + Efforts in Texas and Seattle to Combat Child Trafficking
Katy Perry Bon Appetit Music Video Decode, Blow Torching Tongue, Caviar, Hollywood Meals, Pearls, Older People Paying to Attend a Cannibal Meal + Literally Eating People Alive, The Normalization of Evil
Jessie is Constantly in Danger + God Protects Jessie but He Made No Promise to Keep Everyone Safe + Encouraging Others with Knowledge to Speak Out, That's the Only Way it's Ever Going to Stop
Jessie's Story About Jesus Rescuing Her After She Had Been Punished for Ruining a Ritual, Asked Him to Get Them All Out (of the System/Luciferian Brotherhood) + Other Rescued Children Talk About "the Man of Fire"
Top Level Black Magician Who Refuses to Take Human Life, Uses His Own Blood to the Detriment of His Own Health + Prayers and Pinning Molech to a Wall Kek
Adrenochrome, Harvested from Elderly as well as Children, Kept Alive in Constant State of Fear While Blood is Drained + Comedowns, Withdrawals, Jessie's Proctor, Hillary Clinton, Murderous Rage, Some of What Jessie Witnessed Was Beyond a Horror Movie