1 year ago中共在美国各地设立警察站已经成为一个重大关切。这个令人担忧的问题不仅局限于美国,同样影响到了其他自由世界国家。多年来,郭文贵一直在警告人们注意中共的行动,现在人们终于认识一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚
3 years agoAll new NISSAN NOTE 2022 offered exclusively with an electrified powertrain300 Seconds Motors
1 year agoBilans of ozone „science” (∠physchem,eq&IT)–≻ #ABSURD #uv #burst #lighting #keepitsimple #explainedpx2195
2 years agoIncredible Halo Infinite 🤖 Slow Motion Final Fight* ☠️ - suspended in the Middle of the Air! 🎮🎧Video Gamers Professional Chanel.
1 year agoA.I. Time Machines & Time Travel Technology Exist? Evidence, Hoaxes & John Titor Story [Part 2]Metaphysical