Tipping Point | "We Are At America's Tipping Point. It's Time for the Weak to Rise." - Pastor Carter Conlon"For God Is Not the Author of Confusion, But of Peace, As In All Churches of the Saints." - 1st Corinthians 14:33
Hamas | "In Chapter 6 of Genesis We Find, During Noah's Days, The Earth Also Was Corrupt Before God & the Earth Was Filled With Violence (Hamas)...The Very First Instance of the Word Hamas Was Directly Related to Noah." - Pastor Steve C
Steve Bannon | Bannon Interviews Clay Clark On Revelation 16:12-14, China, Russia, Yuval Noah Harari & Artificial Intelligence | Are the Persecution of Peter Navarro, President Trump & God-Fearing Americans Fueling a ReAwakening?
Jonathan Cahn | Was Jesus Born On December 25th? What Is the Abortion Capital of America? Are Plagues Headed for New York? Has God Raised Up President Trump? The Trump Prophecies? How Does Jehu Relate to Trump?
Yuval Noah Harari | "From the Stories Preserved In the New Testament, Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. The Person Who Created Christianity Is Paul. Ten Commandments Endorse Slavery.” - 9/1/24
Israel | Why Are the Jewish People So Hated In the World? It Was Through the Nation of Israel That Our Savior Was Born. Israel Gave Us the Apostles & Prophets. Israel Gave Us the Word of God. + Standing w/ the People & Nation of Israel (Gen 12:1-3
Yuval Noah Harari | “The Ten Commandments Just Like the U.S. Constitution Also Endorses Slavery. Look Up Commandment Number 10. Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh.” - September 1st 2024
REVERSE DAVOS | Jeffrey Prather | Will We See the Implementation of The Great Reset or God’s Reset? Are We Witnessing the Great Reset, the Great ReAwakening or Both?
Gilgamesh | "They Are Foes. ISIS Is Not an Islamic State, It Is a god That Was Worshipped Centuries Ago Starting w/ Nimrod." - Kim Clement (9/6/2014) | "When Babylon Fell..Nimrod Became Gilgamesh." - Kevin Zadai (2022) | Harari's
Yuval Noah Harari & Emmanuel Macron | Why Is the WEF's False Prophet Yuval (Father of Music) Noah (As In the Days of Noah) Harari (Mountain Dweller) & Emmanuel (God w/ Us) Macron (A Printed Mark) Calling for A Single Global Order?
Bohemian Grove | Why Are World Leaders Fly to San Francisco to Visit the Bohemian Grove In the Middle of Nowhere to Worship A 45 Foot Tall Owl God Mentioned In Leviticus? UNDER COVER FOOTAGE of The Bohemian Club Founded In 1873