2 years ago02/14/2023 Abusive #narcissistic #gangstalking witches @ the downtown Cincinnati DMV (BMV) Pt. 1TargetedCreole
2 years agoJuly 27, 2022 O'Riley's #gangstalking employees talk loud & then scatter once filmed.TargetedCreole
2 years agoIt looks like I can't explain more in detail about the Cactus Cantina #gangstalking incident.TargetedCreole
2 years agoPensacola, Florida ECAT #gangstalking bus driver Bridgette Lowery. Remember her? #bullyingTargetedCreole
3 years agoGangstalking - Dr. John Hall - Stephen Shellen - CIA Mind Control Directed Energy WeaponsGangStalking Aattention Awareness
1 year agoSaturn Worship, Lilith, Gangstalking, All Seeing Eye - TSP Experiencer Chronicles #4 - PossnerTypical Skeptic Podcast
2 years agoRed #gangstalking car driver was trying to set me up for an opportunity to DELIBERATELY splash me.TargetedCreole