ARIZONA HERO LIZ HARRIS: EXPOSING The Source Of The "Infamous" Anonymous Texts . . . Former Rep. & Candidate For Secretary Of State MARK FINCHEM + Her Witch Hunt Expulsion Was ILLEGAL - REPUBLICANS WANTED HER OUT SINCE DEC 2022 & BREAKIN
Arizona Representative Liz Harris: Today's Updates, BOS, POSes, Screwed By Our Gov't AGAIN! Liars, Grifters & Frauds...Oh My! + We The People Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable Is WORKING - Motivation To Get On The Battlefield With GOD! JO
ARIZONA REP. LIZ HARRIS: Arizona Will Be The First Domino To Fall WITH YOUR HELP + Grassroots vs GOP Rino Establishment - Decision vs Division & AZ UPDATES
#62 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Representative LIZ HARRIS Was Wrongfully Expelled From The House On 4/12/23 - The Day The LegislaTURDS STOLE Your Voices, Freedoms & VOTE! ARIZONA IS DEAD - SO LET'S TAKE IT BACK NOW!
#74 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: JACQUELINE BREGER - AZ's Whistleblower On Election Fraud & Corruption + The Sound Of Freedom Movie About Child Sex Slave Trafficking = The Reason We Have ELECTION FRAUD. That's Why They Won't INVESTIGATE!
#61 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Your Truth, My Truth...THE TRUTH! Elections, Politics & The SOLUTION To Win The Spiritual Battle! Time To Take Back America! | LUCY DIGRAZIA
467: ARIZONA HERO LIZ HARRIS - Wrongfully Expelled From The House Of Representatives On 4/12/23 - The Day The LegislaTURDS STOLE Your Voices, Freedoms & VOTE!
ARIZONA HERO LIZ HARRIS: Wrongfully Expelled From The House Of Representatives On 4/12/23 - The Day The LegislaTURDS STOLE Your Voices, Freedoms & VOTE! The State Is DEAD So Let's Take It Back!