1 month agoTiHYDP Mega Man 9 - Death Ed. - DSP Wage Quits MegaMan 9 After 4 Deaths #DSPWageQuit #DSP #beggamanKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Transformers: Fall of Cybertron - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 180KingDDDuke
1 year agoExtended TiHYDP Medievil - Death, Fall Out, & Lost Potion ED. KingDDDuke This is How You DON'T PlayKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Platformer From Hell 20XX - DSP & John Rambo - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 161KingDDDuke
3 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Streets of Rage 2 (2019) - Sega Genesis Mini - Death Ed.- KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
3 months agoTiHYDP Tetris on Sega Genesis Mini - Defeat Ed - KingDDDuke #ThisisHowYouDONTPlay #TetrisSegaGenesisKingDDDuke
4 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Death & Reload Ed - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 256KingDDDuke
6 months agoTiHYDP Comix Zone - DSP Wage Quits After 3 deaths #SegaGenesisMini #thisishowyoudontplay #DSPTriesItKingDDDuke
1 year agoDSP Pulls Mario Jpegs for 4 Minutes Than Projects About WWE Champions in Mario Wonder Finale StreamKingDDDuke
1 year agoDSP WAGE QUITS STAR WARS JEDI SURVIVOR ON DAY ONE! DarksydePhil Rage, Salt, Death & Fall CompilationKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play TMNT Mutants in Manhatten - Death Edition -KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 170KingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Deathsmiles - DSP & John Rambo - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 171KingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 111KingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Marvel's Spider-Man - Death, Mission Failure, Reload, Error, & Quit - 116KingDDDuke
4 months agoTiHYDP Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles pt2 - Death Ed. #ThisisHowYouDONTPlay #DSPandJohn #DSPKingDDDuke
7 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Altered Beast - Sega Genesis Mini - Death Ed.- KingDDDuke - TiHYDPKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Ghouls 'n Ghost - Sega Genesis Mini - Death Ed.- KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #82KingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Asura's Wrath - Unabridged KingDDDuke Version - TiHYDP #73KingDDDuke
8 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDPKingDDDuke
6 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Oblivion (2023) - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP AbridgedKingDDDuke
3 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles - Death Ed. - KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
2 months agoDSP Plays Stellar Blade, Larps as Santa & Complains the Whole Time, 4 Deaths 3 Fall Outs, Rage Quit!KingDDDuke
12 days agoThis is How You DON'T Play Elden Ring Nightreign Beta - Down and Death Ed. - TiHYDP KingDDDuke # 305KingDDDuke
11 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Nioh 2 - Death Edition - KingDDDuke 200th TiHYDP # 200KingDDDuke