1 year agoThe Incubator Babies were shown at the Fremantle Industrial Exhibition 1894 then concealed..zacharydenman
2 years agoD-Wave Quantum Supercomputers can summon Demons Aliens its inventor states #ai #quantumcomputingzacharydenman
1 year agoHow Did The Telluric Energy Get Pulled Down Into The Buildings Of Great Tartaria ? #spire #tartariazacharydenman
2 years agoWhat happened at Operation Highjump with Admiral Byrd ? #antartica #operationhighjump #byrdzacharydenman
2 years agoIn 2015 the Smithsonian Institute admit in court, they had been destroying bones of #giants #giantzacharydenman
2 years agoDid the Tartarian Giants find refuge in the Scandinavian Mountains after the Mud Flood #tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoWhat Actually Was Great Tartaria ? Why Was Tartaria Erased ? #tartaria #tartarian #tartary #tartarszacharydenman
2 years agoWere the Tatarskiye Velikany or Mighty Giants Breatharians? #tartaria #giants #breatharian #giantzacharydenman
2 years agoAfter the Tartarian Mud Floods did the Breatharian Giants polluted with chemicals #giants #ogreszacharydenman
1 year agoChupícuaro is a famous religious worship site from the ancient Purepecha Tribe or Tarascan Indianszacharydenman
1 year agoThe Metallic Flying Disk was invented and patented by Viktor Schauberger known as the Repulsin #ufozacharydenman
1 year agoViktor Schauberger spoke about his Occult Technology in Implosion Magazine 1958zacharydenman
1 year agoChurch Spires were Electrical Capacitors pulling the Etheric Energy into the Buildings #tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoFrom 1871 to 1910 around 13.8 million Eastern Europeans arrived in U.S. were some from Tartaria..?zacharydenman
1 year agoThe Prehistoric Silicon quartz matched the silicon dioxide left at the Trinity Site #nuclearwarzacharydenman
1 year agoTartarians Believed What You Take Back From Nature, You Give Back More.. #tartaria #tartarianzacharydenman
1 year agoThe Moon Controls the Tides on Earth but Science has never been Proven this.. #moon #earth #waterzacharydenman
1 year agoOn The Old Maps Cathay Was Western China Which Was Later Renamed Oriental Tartaria #greattartariazacharydenman