w/ Dr Roberts: A Glimpse Into the Near Future - Globalist Pigs use woke judges and juries (Soros' creatures) to convict President Trump, which will END USA
Gloria Vanderbilt's Hidden Room, Mummification and Taxidermy, Doll House with Dolls Made from Dead Infants + "Dream Boxes" + A Spiritual Force Was Present
Red Shoes Made From Children's Skin, Ritual Killings, Jesuits and Kabbalah Branches, Diamond Rings, Trophies + Demonic Generals Demand Blood, Very Few at Higher Levels Avoid Sacrifices By Using Their Own Blood, Major Seizures
Jessie is Constantly in Danger + God Protects Jessie but He Made No Promise to Keep Everyone Safe + Encouraging Others with Knowledge to Speak Out, That's the Only Way it's Ever Going to Stop