1. The seed that You give to the LORD by faith will be multiplied, and returned back to you!

    The seed that You give to the LORD by faith will be multiplied, and returned back to you!

  2. Active obedience in the LORD Jesus will require suffering, but he already HAS endured it for YOU!

    Active obedience in the LORD Jesus will require suffering, but he already HAS endured it for YOU!

  3. You can experience visions for yourself, and the supernatural when the Holy Spirit comes upon YOU!

    You can experience visions for yourself, and the supernatural when the Holy Spirit comes upon YOU!

  4. The miracle that YOU are waiting on is on the other side of your giving!

    The miracle that YOU are waiting on is on the other side of your giving!

  5. "What to do when you don't know what to do" | Pastor Brett Young | June 6, 2021 | @riverottawa

    "What to do when you don't know what to do" | Pastor Brett Young | June 6, 2021 | @riverottawa

  6. Your inner man is RENEWED, as YOU worship JESUS, and enter the Holy of HOLIES, where Jesus is!

    Your inner man is RENEWED, as YOU worship JESUS, and enter the Holy of HOLIES, where Jesus is!

  7. Faith places your Confidence in God, and trust believing him at his WORD what YOU said, he WILL!

    Faith places your Confidence in God, and trust believing him at his WORD what YOU said, he WILL!

  8. If GOD Said it, then He Will DO It, and there is NOTHING that Can STOP It!

    If GOD Said it, then He Will DO It, and there is NOTHING that Can STOP It!

  9. A Marriage between a Man and a Woman is supposed to be out of intimacy, and not what YOU can do!

    A Marriage between a Man and a Woman is supposed to be out of intimacy, and not what YOU can do!

  10. The LORD wants YOU Healed, Healthy, and Prospering, as You walk in the truth of his Word!

    The LORD wants YOU Healed, Healthy, and Prospering, as You walk in the truth of his Word!

  11. There may be a DELAY in your BREAKTHROUGH. But, YOU will BREAKTHROUGH to Help other people!

    There may be a DELAY in your BREAKTHROUGH. But, YOU will BREAKTHROUGH to Help other people!

  12. Marriage is supposed to be a PICTURE of a Husband and Wife fully submitted to the LORD Jesus!

    Marriage is supposed to be a PICTURE of a Husband and Wife fully submitted to the LORD Jesus!

  13. Don't act SURPRISED when unusual Persecution comes your way, because the LORD is with YOU!

    Don't act SURPRISED when unusual Persecution comes your way, because the LORD is with YOU!

  14. The Prayers that YOU pray, and worship to the LORD Jesus will bring the BREAKTHROUGH you Need!

    The Prayers that YOU pray, and worship to the LORD Jesus will bring the BREAKTHROUGH you Need!

  15. Prophecy always points to the Future, and it is to glorify the LORD Jesus through his people!

    Prophecy always points to the Future, and it is to glorify the LORD Jesus through his people!

  16. The Best Days are Ahead of You, and have nothing to do with your Past!

    The Best Days are Ahead of You, and have nothing to do with your Past!

  17. You are going to suffer when YOU stop pleasing the WORLD, and live a disciplined life with Jesus!

    You are going to suffer when YOU stop pleasing the WORLD, and live a disciplined life with Jesus!

  18. Wicked People have twisted the truth of God's Word, and expect to get away with what they have done!

    Wicked People have twisted the truth of God's Word, and expect to get away with what they have done!

  19. You can have a BREAKTHROUGH, and it begins with Giving to GOD!

    You can have a BREAKTHROUGH, and it begins with Giving to GOD!

  20. Being a Friend to the World's agenda will open up attacks from the Devil in your life!

    Being a Friend to the World's agenda will open up attacks from the Devil in your life!

  21. The BIBLE warns us in these last days that people will stumble over the Word of God!

    The BIBLE warns us in these last days that people will stumble over the Word of God!

  22. Repentance is a DAILY Routine, and it's Something YOU do like going to THE GYM!

    Repentance is a DAILY Routine, and it's Something YOU do like going to THE GYM!
