Yuval Noah Harari | "History Is Full of Accidents. How Did CHRISTIANITY Become the Most Successful Religion In the World? Why This Story of Jesus? The Roman Empire In the Third Century Was A Bit Like California Today! You Need Completely NEW Religion
Artificial Intelligence | "A.I. Is the First Technology In History That Can Not Only Tell Stories By Itself, A.I. Can Actually Make Decisions By Itself. It Takes Power Away From Us, Sentences In Court Art Even Given By A.I." - Yuval Noah Harari
Israel Protests | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari, the Man Praised By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum Leading the Largest Protests In The History of Israel? Harari Appears On CBS July 16th 2023
BRICS & CBDCs | Are Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa Going to Introduce a Gold-Backed Reserve Currency? "If This Happens It Will Be the Biggest Wealth Transfer In the History of the World." Kevin DeMeritt - CEO of LEAR Capital
Invasion | "The Story of History Is the Story of Invasion. One Nations Ends, Another Begins. Invasions Drive History. Few Americans Recognize This Is Happening Right Now. The United States Is Being Invaded. The People Who Lead Us Are Letting It Happe
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Will Happen to Politics In Your Country When Somebody In San Francisco or Bejing Knows the Entire Medical and Personal History of Politician, Every Judge and Journalist In Your Country"
Israel Protests | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In the History of Israel? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu "Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country"
Fake Science | "Humans Are Animals. The Bible Is Not the History of Humanity. It's Just a Story That Humans Invented 3,000 Years Ago." + "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals...Free Will, That's Over." - Yuval Noah Harari