1. 최강의식물식, 윌 벌서위츠, 마이크로바이옴 식단, 고섬유질, 미생물, 소화기내과, 의대, 섬유질이 풍부한 과일, 채소, 통곡물, 씨앗, 콩, 버섯, 발효식품, 허브류, 뇌,소화기

    최강의식물식, 윌 벌서위츠, 마이크로바이옴 식단, 고섬유질, 미생물, 소화기내과, 의대, 섬유질이 풍부한 과일, 채소, 통곡물, 씨앗, 콩, 버섯, 발효식품, 허브류, 뇌,소화기

  2. Examined with Ann Shippy MD Episode 1 Dr. Steven Gundry

    Examined with Ann Shippy MD Episode 1 Dr. Steven Gundry

  3. I'm Constipated💩WHAT DO I DO?💩... - 4 Common Questions About GUT HEALTH & What YOU NEED TO KNOW

    I'm Constipated💩WHAT DO I DO?💩... - 4 Common Questions About GUT HEALTH & What YOU NEED TO KNOW

  4. The Leaky Gut Diet: what foods to eat and avoid to improve your gut health.

    The Leaky Gut Diet: what foods to eat and avoid to improve your gut health.

  5. Gut health| Your Gut Microbiome |How the food affects your gut| How to Maintain gut health

    Gut health| Your Gut Microbiome |How the food affects your gut| How to Maintain gut health
