Mother Exposes How Daughter Indoctrinated into Transgenderism in Colorado Public School in THREE Hours | Erin Lee | Colorado Now Legally Forcing Teachers to Socially Transition Children and Hide From Parents | Movie- Art Club | Protect Kids Colorado
Culture War | Communist Revolution Now in America | Julie Behling | Beneath Sheep’s Clothing | Sounding the Alarm | How Can We Stop it? | “The People Who Are Most Successful at Implementing Communism in America Are Not Communists”
Andy Schectman | Death of Petrodollar Accelerated After Saudi Arabia Didn’t Renew 50 Year Agreement on June 8th | Dollar Hegemony Has Ended | What is Project mBridge? | “You Can’t Get Out of The Way of What you Don’t See Coming”
Carrie Prejean Boller | Canceled Miss California turned Mama Bear Delivers Fiery Speech to School Board Exposing Gender Indoctrination | Still Standing | Ephesians 5:11 - “Expose Them”
Clay Clark | Who is J.D. Vance? | “He (J.D. Vance) is a Creature of Elon (Musk), Peter (Thiel), & David Sacks” - Kara Anne Swisher (Fortune Magazine) | Thrivetime Show | Reawaken America Tour
Culture War | Moms on a Mission Joins His Glory News | The Great American Solar Eclipse | CERN Collides Atoms to Look For God Particle | NASA Launches Rockets into the Eclipse Naming Mission After Egyptian Serpent Deity | Red Heifers Sacrificed in Israel
Jessica Tapia and Attorney Bethany Onishenko | Won $360k After Suing School District That Fired Her For Not Lying to Parents and Denying Her Religious Beliefs | Teachers Don’t Lie | “My Fear of God It Comes Above My Fear of My Boss”
Culture War | Will QUARANTINE CAMPS Be Legal in New York State? | Guest: Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox | Rule 2.13 | Unchecked Power | “Pray That The Constitution is Upheld”
Riley Gaines | “Swimming Against the Current” | BIDEN’S ASSAULT AGAINST WOMEN With Rewrite of Title IX | What Happens After the August 1st Implementation? | Gaines for Girls Podcast
CARNIVORE DIET | Therapeutic Tool to Treat Sick People | Dr. Shawn Baker | Orthopedic Surgeon + Professional Athlete + Carnivore | Does Meat Alone Lack Any Nutrients?