Message from our source/‘Why Didn’t You Warn Us?’/West Virginia Couple Who Adopted Five Black Children Arrested for Allegedly Locking Children in Shed and Using Them as Slaves/Emails Reveal CIA Panicking/Afghan heroin shortage could lead to more ove
Israel’s dirty trade in Africa: Diamonds, weapons and settlements/BBC Hired Convicted Pedophiles To Chauffeur Children and Elite VIPs/Breaking: Judge Rules Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend WAS RESPONSIBLE For Her Death – NOT a ‘Bad Warrant’; Drops Fed
U.S. Gov’t Admits Fluoridated Water Leads to Cognitive Impairment/Fox News Cuts Off Trump Phone Interview on Kamala Convention Speech for Gutfeld/Far-left CNBC Absolutely Destroys Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren for Defending Kamala’s Soviet-Style Price