Donald J. Trump Prophecies | Kim Clement's Trump Prophecies: "Trump Will Become a Trumpet, I Will Put At Your Helm for Two Terms, I Will Put Him In Office & then I Will Baptize Him With the Holy Spirit & My Power." 2/10/2007
Eric Trump | EXCLUSIVE Interview Hours After FBI's Mar-a-Lago Trump Raid: Kim Clement Prophecies, "Trump Will Become a Trump", "There's a Man by the Name of Mr. Clark and a Man by the Name of Donald," America ReAwakens!!!
Donne Clement Petruska | “He Saw The Burning Bush In The White House, He Saw That We Would Have The First African American President And He Saw Trump.” - Donne Clement Petruska
Kim Clement | Kim Clement Ministries Interviews Clay Clark About: Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, GAVI & The World Health Organization All Located In Geneva, Switzerland? "Stench In the Air (In Geneva)." - Kim Clement + Rev 2:13 &