CBDC | "The New Digital Prison System Being Developed By Big Tech Known By Many As THE MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM" + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Digital Passports | Mark of the Beast System | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & the Introduction of a Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency Soon?! - Harari, Blair & Tedros
Artificial Intelligence | "You Can Connect Several Brains Together. For Things Like Identity, Who Am I When I Can Access the Brain of Another Person?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ra
Dennis Bushnell NASA | Transhumanism | Why Did Dennis Say? "What People Will Do All Day Is Not Clear. The Humans Increasingly Can't Compete. We Are Also Becoming CYBORGS. We Put Brain Chips Into About 10,000 People." - Dennis Bushnell
Doctor Peter McCullough | What Seems to Be the Intention Behind This Obsession With Having Every Single American to Put This RNA Modifying Gene-Editing Technology Under Their Skin?
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Catherine Austin Fitts Explains How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work.
Klaus Schwab | "Who Will Really Command the Fourth Industrial Revolution And Its Technology Like Artificial Intelligence." - Klaus Schwab + "Dr. Schwab I'm Flattered You Ask Me to Keynote. Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.&qu
CBDC | Daniela Cambone | De-Dollarization | Is It Happening Now? "Most People Go About Their Lives Having No Clue What's Happening. How Could CBDCS Be Stopped If the Majority Are On TikTok or Worried About What Brands to Be Wearing?" - Dani
Elon Musk & Grimes | Why Did Grimes Wear a Vantablack Crown to the 2018 MET Gala While Elon Musk Chose to Wear a Jack Reading ‘NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ (MEANING ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’)? Vantablack, Marburg, Hydrogel, COVID-19 Vaccines, etc.
Dr. Robert Zoellner | "He Tears Up On Me And Says 'I've Never Told You And I've Only Told Maybe One Or Two People In My Life, That's My Lifelong Dream To Have A Radio Show.'"
Christiane Northrup | "The Spike Protein In Itself Creates The Disease. There are 50 Billion Spike Proteins In Every Shot. They're Putting The Bioweapon In You."
Christiane Northrup | "The Spike Protein In Itself Creates The Disease. There are 50 Billion Spike Proteins In Every Shot. They're Putting The Bioweapon In You."
CBDC | "(CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies, It's a Financial Transaction Control Grid. If You Don't Behave You Can Have Your Money Turned Off. CBDCs Are Sort of the Last Shutting of the Gate." - Catherine Austin
The Great Reset | "The Current Vaccines Are Not Infection Blocking, They Are Not Broad So When New Variants Come Up You Lose Protection and They Have Very Short Duration Particularly In the People That Matter." - Bill Gates
CBDC | "Do You Think That Legislatures In Your State Understand What This Bill Was Actually Designed to Do?" - Tucker Carlson "I Don't Know If They Read It." - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem