1. 367: Nestigen - Justification, Vocation, and Location in Luther's Reformation pt. 2

    367: Nestigen - Justification, Vocation, and Location in Luther's Reformation pt. 2

  2. 369: Thielicke - Pathology of the Young Theologian's Conceit

    369: Thielicke - Pathology of the Young Theologian's Conceit

  3. 370: Capon - Proclaiming the Gospel against the Wisdom of the World

    370: Capon - Proclaiming the Gospel against the Wisdom of the World

  4. 375: A New Year and the Same Old Stuff (Pliny, Clement, and Justin)

    375: A New Year and the Same Old Stuff (Pliny, Clement, and Justin)

  5. *Birmingham Lecture (22/07/23)* The Most Important Event Yet Remaining To Occur In History

    *Birmingham Lecture (22/07/23)* The Most Important Event Yet Remaining To Occur In History

  6. What are the prophetic autumn feasts of Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) Yom Kippur (Atonement) Succot (Tabernacles) What are they ? what is their meaning & true purpose ? (e.g. the Spring is the actual New Year not Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) They are for today

    What are the prophetic autumn feasts of Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) Yom Kippur (Atonement) Succot (Tabernacles) What are they ? what is their meaning & true purpose ? (e.g. the Spring is the actual New Year not Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) They are for today

  7. Hostage Families Infuriated Over A Partial Hostage Deal Negotiations | The 700 Club

    Hostage Families Infuriated Over A Partial Hostage Deal Negotiations | The 700 Club

  8. Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters (2nd Sunday of Advent) | Sean McMahon

    Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters (2nd Sunday of Advent) | Sean McMahon

  9. Advent Week 02 | A Believer's Heart | Luke 1:26-56 v2

    Advent Week 02 | A Believer's Heart | Luke 1:26-56 v2

  10. Advent: The Counter Cultural King

    Advent: The Counter Cultural King

  11. The King Is Coming! The Lesson of Bethlehem.

    The King Is Coming! The Lesson of Bethlehem.
