1. Таємниці сакральних споруд | Калейдоскоп фактів 30 (частина III)

    Таємниці сакральних споруд | Калейдоскоп фактів 30 (частина III)

  2. Dovezile științifice ale existenței lui Dumnezeu | Caleidoscopul Faptelor 31 (Partea a IV-a)

    Dovezile științifice ale existenței lui Dumnezeu | Caleidoscopul Faptelor 31 (Partea a IV-a)

  3. High Technology. Will It Help Us Get Out of the Crisis? | International Round Table

    High Technology. Will It Help Us Get Out of the Crisis? | International Round Table

  4. Victor Martinez on Health, Fitness and Creative Society | Arnold Classic 2021

    Victor Martinez on Health, Fitness and Creative Society | Arnold Classic 2021

  5. Interview with ​​The “Voice” of Bodybuilding, Bob Cicherillo, at the 2021 Arnold Classic festival

    Interview with ​​The “Voice” of Bodybuilding, Bob Cicherillo, at the 2021 Arnold Classic festival

  6. I want to be known as someone that has made a contribution to humanity | Glenn Robert Ford

    I want to be known as someone that has made a contribution to humanity | Glenn Robert Ford

  7. Total Unemployment on the Ruined Planet?! | International Round Table

    Total Unemployment on the Ruined Planet?! | International Round Table

  8. Omul, drepturile și libertățile sale - mai presus de orice!

    Omul, drepturile și libertățile sale - mai presus de orice!
