#114 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Sound Of Freedom Premiered July 4th & 2,000,000 Children Were Raped 10-15 Times On That Day. What Are YOU Doing To Stop Child Sex Trafficking? MICHELE SWINICK Provides The Solutions - BAN THE VOTING MACHINES - JOIN US
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Tenth Commandment Actually Endorses Slavery...A Letter That Was Supposedly A Letter from St. Paul to Timothy, But Most Scholars Believe It Was a Second Century Forgery (1st Timothy)." - 10/15/24
ReAwaken America Tour | 15 URGENT Updates + Jared Kushner | Is Jared Kushner Pushing Transhumanism and Eternal Life? Why Did Jared Kushner Put Himself In Charge of Operation WARP Speed?