3 years agoNIGHT SHADOWS 12032021 -- Ancient Mysteries and Bigfoot! John Vandeventer Author of "Relics"Runty1940
2 years agoChaz of the Dead | The Betz Sphere, Flying Snake Entities, Bigfoot's LanternEndofDaysRadio
2 years agoFarmers left puzzled after filming strange silent lights hovering over their property.DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar
2 years agoSecurity guard records 'chilling' screams early hours of the morning in Humboldt county California.DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar
2 years agoA battery powered scooter spontaneously combusts inside home caught on home security,DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar
2 years agoBizarre optical illusion baffles motorist inside underground tunnel.DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar
1 year agoBigfoot real or fake #trending #trendingnow #funny #ufoキャッチャー #bigfoot #skinwalker #alien #shortsTHEHERCULESHERNANDEZ
10 months agocup of coffee 4246---Idiots Amongst Us Update: Man Convicted of Murder Believed Bigfoot Was SummonedWarlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
2 years agoAmazing!! silent TR-3B filmed silently moving across beach front in Canada.DiscloseScreenTheGrimreefar