Klaus Schwab | "I Created the Community of Global Shapers As a Means, As a Force to Shape Our Common Future. Nobody Will Be Safe If Not Everybody Is Vaccinated." - Klaus Schwab (The Great Reset Agenda Explained In 11 Minutes)
Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari | Outline the Great Reset Agenda Including- "Destroying A lot of Employment," "Adding a Non-Organic Immune System," "If You Are Left Behind We Won't Need You."
🚛Russian servicemen deliver more than 10 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Stanislav ▫️In the future, it is planned to deliver food and essential goods on a regular basis.
CBDCs | "Is This What the Future Looks Like? COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Klaus Schwab | "If You Look at the Global Economy, the Effect Will Be a Reduction of Purchasing Power. The Economic Restructuring Will Lead to Social Tensions. There Will Be Winners and Losers."