University of North Carolina Charlotte: Rainy Soggy Day, Contending w/ Muslims, Contending w/ a Pro-Homosexual "Christian", Ministering To A Couple of Humble Christian Students
NO Muslim Employers Should Abused A Filipino American Employee In America - SMNI News - Regency Furniture LLC - Corporate Office Headquarters / Sen. Robin Padilla / Sen. Raffy Tulfo / Smith Downey PA / Tully Rinckey PLLC / Settlement Never Paid
Univ of Arkansas: Much Calmer Crowd, Great Conversations w/ Atheists, Homosexuals, Muslims, Hypocrites & Christians, Group of Flamboyant Homosexuals Make A Scene & Seek To Ban Me From Campus
Univ of Minnesota: Draw A Small Crowd At Student Union of Hard Hearts, Then Move To Library Where An Atheist Heckler Helps Me Draw a Much Larger Crowd of Muslims, Atheists, Homosexuals, Evolutionists and Skeptics, Lots of Great Questions!
UC Santa Barbara: Lengthy Conversation w/ A Searching Student, Muslims Show Up For Round 3 & Accuse Me Of Hate Speech, I Rebuke A Woman Who Fails To Prove Her Point & Just Cusses Me Out, I Prove the Bible True, I Expose Islam, Preaching Jesus!
Univ of Connecticut Wild & Hostile Crowd As Muslims Stir Dissension, I Tear Apart Islam, One Student Who Rips Up My Tract Humbles Himself Later, "Christian" Belgium Woman Assaults Me, Kicks My Bag, I Call Police, Crowd Swells, Exalting Jesus
UI Urbana: Loud-Mouthed Hypocrite Helps Draw 1st Crowd, Then 2nd Crowd Much Larger, More Volatile & Hostile, One Young Woman Greatly Encouraged by The Preaching, Contending w/ Atheists, Skeptics, Muslims, Jews & Hypocrites
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