Louis Hay and…….. Madonna!? The Eerily Perfectly Aligning Meditation & Visual. Like The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon. DIDGA MISS IT? Watch BOTH The MDNA Tour “Tarot Project”, and The Shadow Interview with David Vernon!
When the Wrong Group Does the EBS, But There’s Still Opportunity to Love. | Ghosttown – Madonna | Just Like There's Always "An App for That" #TheresAmadonnaSongForThat
The Breeding Program, Babies are Cared for in a Hospital-like Setting, Children are Supplied for Sacrifice or for Sadistic Sexual Abuse + Efforts in Texas and Seattle to Combat Child Trafficking
Hunts, Fertility, Principalities Ba'al and Ashtoreth, Virgin Girls and Boys (And What That Actually Means in the System) + Events that are Made to Look Like a Fun Retreat, School Outings + Child Sacrifices Take Place
Jessie Believes George Bush Snr Was Executed for his Crimes Against Humanity and Children, Made a Deal, Envelopes Handed Out at his Funeral + Over 180,000 Indictments (June 2020) Doesn't Include Top Levels, Only Mid-Level People Who Run the System
Underground Tunnel Systems, Reports of Children Being Rescued (June 2020) + Jessie's Personal Experiece and First-Hand Knowledge, Breeder Programs + Protectors, Assassins, Luciferian Sources Say There Were People Other Than Themselves in the Tunnels
The Girls Have Already Been Taught Foreplay Techniques, They Take it so Far Then Run Off into the Woods, The Boys Have to Find Them, Given a Code Word in case they get Lost + Desensitization Process, Jessie's Proctor and Sex Magick
Journalist Liz Crokin, Pizzagate + Heartbreaking to Hear Naysayers Saying it's Just a Few Bad Apples or Satanic Panic + In Reality Pizzagate is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, There is So Much More to Uncover, Breeder Programs etc.